Investor RelationsFinancial Highlights / Segment and Regional Information

Consolidated Financial Results

(Unit: Millions of yen)
  '21/3 '22/3 '23/3 '24/3
Net sales 455,559 494,789 545,199 586,785
Operating incomeOperating income ratio (%) 27,6276.1 23,8824.8 17,7293.3 22,3353.8
Ordinary incomeOrdinary income ratio (%) 26,2695.8 27,5835.6 15,3462.8 19,5093.3
Net incomeNet income ratio (%) 14,2093.1 13,4552.7 4,5740.8 11,1091.9
Basic earnings per share (Unit: yen) 87.12 82.50 28.05 68.12
Cash dividends per share (Unit: yen) 28.0 27.0 22.0 25.0
Dividend payout ratio (%) 32.1 32.7 78.4 36.7
Net assetsReturn on equity (%) 174,0539.2 199,8677.8 242,1732.3 269,7885.1
Total assetsEquity ratio (%) 854,39618.8 930,32119.9 1,027,39920.1 1,109,82121.0
Capital expenditures 51,982 46,560 95,991 9,585
Depreciation and amortization 39,849 43,313 46,275 56,030

Net Sales

Unit: Billions of yen

Operating Income / Operating Income Ratio

Unit: Billions of yenUnit: %

Ordinary Income / Ordinary Income Ratio

Unit: Billions of yenUnit: %

Net Income / Net Income Ratio

Unit: Billions of yenUnit: %

Basic Earnings per Share

Unit: yen

Cash Dividends per Share

Unit: yen

Net Assets

Unit: Billions of yen

Total Assets

Unit: Billions of yen

Return on Equity

Unit: %

Equity Ratio

Unit: %

Capital Expenditures

Unit: Billions of yen

Depreciation and Amortization

Unit: Billions of yen

Consolidated Financial Results by Business Segment - Net Sales

(Unit: Millions of yen)
'21/3 343,824 72,388 38,655 691 455,559
'22/3 373,481 74,386 46,361 559 494,789
‘23/3 419,957 72,734 51,754 752 545,199
‘24/3 453,613 74,320 58,035 816 586,785

Unit: Billions of yen

* Clicking on a legend item in the graph hides that item in the graph. Multiple legends can also be hidden.
Clicking on the legend item again will make the hidden item reappear.

Consolidated Financial Results by Business Segment - Operating Income

(Unit: Millions of yen)
'21/3 38,879 10,608 1,992 376 -24,229 27,627
'22/3 39,241 9,826 2,889 101 -28,175 23,882
‘23/3 38,599 5,615 2,739 257 -29,482 17,729
‘24/3 42,321 4,432 2,452 80 -26,952 22,335

Unit: Billions of yen

* Clicking on a legend item in the graph hides that item in the graph. Multiple legends can also be hidden.
Clicking on the legend item again will make the hidden item reappear.

Net Sales by Region

(Unit: Millions of yen)
Net salesProportion Net salesProportion Net salesProportion Net salesProportion Net sales
'21/3 270,543 59.4% 71,572 15.7% 52,167 11.5% 61,275 13.5% 455,559
'22/3 280,094 56.6% 78,242 15.8% 60,376 12.2% 76,075 15.4% 494,789
'23/3 290,177 53.2% 98,089 18.0% 68,294 12.5% 88,636 16.3% 545,199
'24/3 304,602 51.9% 108,018 18.4% 77,203 13.2% 96,961 16.5% 586,785

Unit: Billions of yen

* Clicking on a legend item in the graph hides that item in the graph. Multiple legends can also be hidden.
Clicking on the legend item again will make the hidden item reappear.

Proportion of Net Sales by Region (2024/3)

Unit: %